irwin4Welcome to my blog – a place where I can write, rant and rave into the blogosphere about the many things I think about as they relate to both the adventures and misadventures we experience in this, what I like to call “Our journey of life’”

 The photo shows me, and my wife, Dolly!

Who am I? I’m a retired property and casualty insurance underwriting manager, author of several short stories, poems, essays, and memoirs, teacher when I can get a class or two and a frustrated wannabe writer of sorts. My mission here is to express some aging/retirement opinions – about how I perceive the world around me, in all its glory and confusion. 

Why rant?   In order to cleanse my soul of the frustrations I endure when reading/seeing the news, ranting via a blog will help flush out the toxins that would otherwise build up within me thus enabling me to restore a sense of balance to this “old fogy’s” (a person who is excessively old-fashioned in attitude, ideas, manners, and so forth) way of thinking.

What can you expect? Comical musings in the form of reflections and ranting or raving dependent upon the mood I am in at the time of the posting. I must admit up front that I am not a daily blogger; but I promise a new post whenever the mood strikes my fancy to share something that I think is either fabulous or ridiculous and have to get it off my chest in order to save my sanity.

For a sample of some of my former rants and ravings visit:

0r to see some of my short stories, poems, essays, and/or memoirs:

Please visit me at:

One thought on “About Me – 2014

  1. Glad to meet you Irwin! I’m also happy you’ve shown some interest in my blog. I definitely look forward to your posts. I am a retired, or “retarded” as a prof friend of mine used to say, teacher of English, and I love retirement. I tell everyone, “I think I was born for this!” I read. I write. I walk the dog. And now here comes Autumn, my favorite writing season.

    So thanks again, and I look forward to your posts!

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